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The Style Italiano movement emerged from a simple idea of two friends – Walter Devoto and Angelo Putignano. The recognized experts in conservative and aesthetic dentistry had observed that materials allowing for the creation of beautiful direct restorations were available, but there was a lack of appropriate concepts for their successful use.

Anyone who wanted to imitate natural teeth in a perfect way needed artistic skills, creativity and lots of time to practice.

Since time is a scarce resource in every dental office, the two friends decided to develop simplified techniques that enable every dentist to obtain impressive results with direct composite materials. Their practical suggestions are based on clear and precise ideas that help dentists face their own daily challenges in their dental office.

With more and more experts joining the Style Italiano group, additional concepts were developed to help simplify procedures in restorative dentistry and other fields like endodontics, where a separate group was founded by Pio Bertani and Fabio Gorni.

Style Italiano became a team of professionals who support each other and help others improve, always showing them that “YOU can do what WE do”. News, articles and cases are published by our members every week. Non-members are invited to submit their own case for publication at the community page of this website.


Dr. Stefen Koubi

France, Marseille

Doctor Stefen Koubi graduated from the University of Marseille, France, in 1998. He has held the position of Associate Professor in the Restorative Department of Marseille University since 2008 and received his PhD in 2011. He maintains a private practice in Marseille and in Paris. His main areas of interest are esthetic rehabilitation for cosmetic or functional reasons (worn dentition). He has been invited to many prestigious esthetic academies to lecture on simple ways to achieve high-quality esthetic dentistry. He is an invited professor in many esthetic postgraduate programs. Dr Koubi received the Gold Molar title from the students of his university (best teacher of the year) in 2012, and the title of Best French Speaker the same year. Since 2012 he has been a member of Style Italiano community in charge of indirect topics. He founded in 2013 L'Institut de la facette, a private training center focused on smile design for worn dentition and cosmetic rehabilitations. He is the author or co-author of many scientific articles and case reports on esthetic dentistry.

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Dr. Maciej Zarow PHD

Poland, Kraków

He received his dental degree from the Faculty of Dentistry at Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary). Upon his graduation, Maciej pursued a Doctor of Medical Sciences title, obtained after pass with honors for his dissertation defense on composite inlays-onlays in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Maciej has been a long-time researcher and lecturer, working with dental students at the Department of Propedeutics of Conservative Dentistry of CMUJ, Krakow. During his International Association of Dental Research scholarship, he conducted research work on adhesive bridges (FDPs) as well as the restoration of endodontically treated teeth at the universities of Leeds and Manchester. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Chieti (Italy), and visiting lecturer the UIC University (Barcelona). In 2021 he became a mentor at the prestigious Kois Center in Seattle. In 1999 Maciej established his private practice “Dentist” in Krakow and maintains it with his energetic attitude and everlasting passion. Maciej takes pride in being Editor-in-Chief of the Quintessence for Dentists journal. His book, EndoProsthodontics: A Guide for Clinical Practice, has achieved success and is now published in English, Chinese, Croatian, French, and Russian. He has authored more than 80 scientific papers in both national and international journals. Maciej is also an active member in the Italian restorative dentistry research group “Style Italiano,” as well as the Polish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. In 2019 he became a certified member of European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry.

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Dr. Grosz János

Hungary, Szeged

Janos graduated summa cum laude in 2006 from the University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry, Hungary. He specialized in restorative dentistry. In all of his work Janos is striving for excellence and aiming to offer minimally invasive restorative treatments for his patients. Despite his young age he practices not only in Hungary, but he is also a registered dentist in the United Kingdom (obtained licence in 2010). He is an acknowledged lecturer and regularly runs hands-on courses about anterior direct restorations, e.g. preparations techniques in the anterior and posterior region. Being passionate about sharing knowledge and facilitate discussions both with patients and colleagues, Janos is committed to a high level of dental photography. He regularly teaches at his courses the fundamentals of dental photography and the importance of visual learning in dental communication.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Filtchev PhD

Bulgaria, Sofia

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dimitar Filtchev, Bulgaria Dr. Dimitar Filtchev obtained his degree in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Sofia, in 1998. In 2000 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at the same Faculty and from 2008 is a Senior physician at the same department. In 2003 he acquired a postgraduate specialization in Prosthetic Dentistry. In 2012 he completed his doctoral thesis on the following topic: “Arrangement of artificial teeth for implant-supported and non-implant supported overdentures”. Co-founder of the Laser Dental Center and the Implant Center at the Medical University in Sofia. Specialization in Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry – Munster, Germany . Visited a number of practical and theoretical courses in Implantology, Orthodontics and Esthetic Dentistry by leading dental professionals like Prof. Nitzan Bichacho, Dr. Mauro Fradeani, Prof. Angelo Putignano, Dr. Henry Salama, Dr. Maurice Salama, Prof. Michelle Jabbour, Prof. Andre Saadoun and many others. Since 1998 he has been running a successful private practice in Sofia, focused on Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Filtchev has more then 50 publications in scientific journals, many scientific presentations at international dental congresses, numerous participations as an invited speaker at national and international congresses.


Prof. Angelo Putignano MD, DDS

After completing his M.D., Prof. Angelo Putignano received a postgraduate certificate for Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Ancona in Italy. Following this, he became the professor in Restorative Dentistry for Marche Polytechnic University’s School of Dentistry. And concurrently, he is the head of the Operative Dentistry and Endodontics department, and Dean for the School of Dental Hygiene at Marche Polytechnic University. Being an active member of both the Italian Society of Operative Dentistry and the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, Prof. Putignano has continued to demonstrate excellence within multiple fields of dentistry. He is also the founding member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Prof. Putignano has brought his knowledge to multiple publications, co-authoring such textbooks as Adhesive Dentistry: The Key to Success and Indirect Conservative Restoration of Posterior Teeth. When not lecturing on adhesive and esthetic restorations or contributing to dental literature, he runs his own private practice limited to Restorative Dentistry in Ancona, Italy.

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Dr. Engin Taviloglu


Having graduated from Istanbul University School of Dentistry in 1984, Engin Taviloglu continues his studies particularly on field of esthetic dentistry in his private practice in Istanbul-Tesvikiye. He has been lecturing in seminars, giving hands-on courses and performing live case demonstrations on esthetic dentistry and composite applications in particular. He is the author of AN ATLAS OF COMPOSITE APPLICATIONS and three DVDs ; “PRACTICAL INDIRECT COMPOSITE RESTORATIONS” , “COMPOSITE RESTORATIONS WITH SILICONE MATRIX IN ANTERIOR TOOTH FRACTURE” and ”DIRECT COMPOSITE VENEER APPLICATION” which are available from Quintessence Publishing Inc. in Turkish. Engin Taviloglu worked as a member of Executive Board for Turkish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EDAD) for 19 years and continuously shares his cases and practical information about esthetic dentistry and particularly composite applications with many dentists in a social media group named “e-kompozit” which he has established on internet. Engin Taviloglu is married and has a son, speaks English and French and plays tenor saxophone. As an artist, he is interested in watercolor painting and many of his works take place in various collections. Being a former basketball player with a championship in Turkish 1st Basketball League, later a veteran tennis player with many prizes won in several tournaments, Taviloglu is currently involved in golfing with many championships and represents his country in both domestic and international model aircraft contests.

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Vincenzo Musella DMD, MDT

Italy, Montale Rangone

Dr Musella has been working as a prosthodontist/dental technologist for an extensive period of time and is particulary dedicated to the fabrication of hghly esthetic dental prostheses. Obtaining a bachelo's degree in dentistry did not put an end to Dr Musella's passion for prosthodontics, which he continues to practice, using the newest and most relevant technologies. Due to his rich and complete path of studies, Dr Musella is able to achieve a unique, added-value dental technique, which he routinely practices in his daily profession. This text is the by-product and synthesis of the combination of the two beautiful professions that are dentistry and prosthodontics.

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Louis Hardan DDS, PhD

Louis Hardan, DDS, PhD, is a professor and the director of the master program in the Restorative and Esthetic Department at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon. He received his dental degree in 1989 and continued his postdoctoral education at Saint Joseph University, where he obtained a certificate for basic science in 1993, completed his specialization in restorative and esthetic dentistry in 1995, and completed his PhD in oral biology and materials in 2009. Dr Hardan maintains a private practice in his hometown of Byblos, Lebanon, and he is the scientific director and an honorary and active international member of StyleItaliano. He is also the country chairperson for Lebanon of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr Hardan is the inventor of Smile Lite MDP (Smile Line), a device used to take high-quality dental photographs with a mobile phone, for which he won the Best of Class Technology Award in 2017, as well as Posterior Misura (LM instrument), an instrument for shaping direct posterior composites. He has many publications to his name in international journals and has given several international lectures and courses on esthetics, restorative dentistry, and mobile dental photography.

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Dr. Jordi Manauta

Jordi Manauta was born in Mexico City, where he graduated cum laude. in dentistry from UNITEC (Universidad Tecnológica de México) and apprentice of Dr. Miguel Angel Tamés (Mexico) and Dr. Walter Devoto (Italy). He continued his postgraduate studies in Operative and Aesthetics Dentistry Master in UIC (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya) in Barcelona. He is visiting professor in the Siena and Marseille University. He has developed various materials and instruments for aesthetic dentistry and photography in collaboration with international companies. He is the author of the book Layers (quintessence 2012). Scientific consultant for two European Journals. Author and co-author of many publications in international journals, he is frequently invited as a lecturer on these topics. He is dedicated to his private practice.

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Dr. Anna Salat


Born in Barcelona, Spain, Anna Salat studied dentistry at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) in Barcelona. She completed a specialization in esthetic and restorative dentistry at the same university, where she became a professor in that department. She has been visiting professor in Siena, Marseille, Valencia, Barcelona, and Lisbon. She is particularly interested in composites, esthetics, and cosmetic dentistry and teaches courses on these topics. She is the author of publications in international journals such as the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry and the Tropical Dental Journal. Together with Dr Manauta, she wrote the book Layers: An Atlas of Composite Resin Stratification (Quintessence Publishing 2012) and is a coauthor of the book Mulher Dentista (Quintessence Publishing 2016). She is an honorary member of the Styleitaliano group. She loves to find ways to make things look better, and she applies this life philosophy by combining adhesive dentistry and conservative techniques to improve smiles.

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Daniele Rondoni

Italy, Savona

Born in Savona in 1961 where he lives and has worked in his own laboratory since 1982 with his collaborators. Graduated from the dental technicians school IPSIA “P.Gaslini” in Genoa in 1979. He continued his education by attending relevant workshops for the “Italian dental school “and furthered his professional experience in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Particularly interested in the morphology and dental aesthetics, he has collaborated in the development of aesthetic dental restoration materials. and is author of “Techniques of Ceramic multistratification” (ed.UTET). He has created a manual for laboratory work on the use of composite materials by determining work protocols for the indirect technique and also for the technique of pressing composite structures on metal know as the “inverse stratification system” which he designed. He is the author of numerous articles on aesthetic restoration published in Italy and abroad. Some of his cases are published in the text “The conservative restoration of anterior teeth.”(ed.ACME) Vanini Mangani Klimovscaja. other clinical cases are presented by Dr. W. Devoto in the publication ”Restorative Dentistry: Treatment procedures and future prospects” (Ed. E. Masson). Active member EAED. Member and speaker SICED. Teacher-trainer in practical dental aesthetics at the graduate school of Brescia SICED.

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Dr. Giuseppe Chiodera

Italy, Brescia

Dr. Paulo Monteiro

Portugal, Lissabon

In 2005, Dr. Monteiro completed his specialization in Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry at the ISCSEM, Lisbon, Portugal. In 2010, he finished a Master’s degree in Dental Medicine and then obtained a PhD in Dentistry at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He has taken the International Professional Course of CAD/CAM technology in Restorative Dentistry, at the University of Zurich in 2008. Presently, he is an Assistant Professor at ISCSEM, for the Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry Post-graduation program and for the Oral Rehabilitation Department at ISCSEM. In parallel, he is the head of Clinical Aesthetic Dentistry advanced consultation at ISCSEM, the head of Operative Dentistry Technology Training Course for Dental Assistants and the head of Intra-Oral Photography Technology Training Course for Dental Assistants in Egas Moniz, Lisbon, Portugal. He is also involved in research of new dental materials, including composite resins, dental adhesives, dental ceramics and new technologies. He is an active member of the International Association for Dental Research, and regularly presents research in the dental materials field. He is author and co-author of some publications in scientific international journals and lecturer in national and international courses and congresses in aesthetic dentistry. In his private practice in Lisbon he devotes himself exclusively to aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Monteiro is a Style Italiano Honorary member, European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry certified member, Portuguese Chairman of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry, board member of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry, honorary member of the Romanian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry and received Certificate of Merit Dr. Gilson Blitzkow Sydney awarded by ABO Goiás, Brazil.


Dr. Giulio Pavolucci

Italy, Montepulciano

I was born in Siena in 1984 and I live in Montepulciano, a beautiful small town in Tuscany. After graduation magna cum laude in Dentistry, I started focusing my daily work on adhesive direct and indirect restorations, with a particular love for direct anterior ones. I’ work with prof. Simone Grandini, and I’m also a Visiting Professor at his II level Master in Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, in the University of Siena. I work in private practice in Cortona in dr. Andrea Fabianelli’s office focusing on restorative and endodontics. I am an active member of the Italian Society of Restorative Dentistry (SIDOC), and I was a contributor to the books “La Protesi fissa con margini di chiusura verticali” and “La Protesi Implantare : vantaggi, problemi e soluzioni pratiche” by Ezio Bruna and Andrea Fabianelli, ed.Elsevier. I love my job, but I also like enjoying my life; I’m a sommelier FISAR and I love good wines. I also have a deep passion for the traditions of my town and my land.


Dr. Monaldo Saracinelli


Student of prof. Fabio Toffenetti and Riccardo Garberoglio. Student trainer in Conservative Dentistry at “Istituto Policattedra di Discipline Odontostomatologiche Università degli Studi Di Siena” (1986/87). Teacher of “Biomeccanica masticatoria e Protesi applicata” in secondary school for dental technicians (1987/88). Teacher of “Odontostomatologia” in nursing qualification (Università degli Studi di Siena facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia 1998/99 1999/2000 e 2000/2001). Active member of the Accademia italiana di Conservativa (AIC) since 2005. Active member of the Italian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (IAED) since 2011. Lecturer in courses on direct and indirect aesthetic composite restorations in anterior and posterior teeth in Italy and abroad.” In the modern dental office all members of staff work at making the patient feel comfortable and establishing a friendly and relaxing environment. We believe that it is possible to achieve high standards of professionalism while continuing to emphasise the importance of human relationships. Every treatment plan is strictly customized and is the result of specific diagnostic examinations and an initial consultation where the patients’ requests and expectations are evaluated.. Our aim is to provide our patients with the least invasive treatment plan, which can be achieved thanks to a profound knowledge of materials, and adhesive procedures, which are becoming more predictable daily. The best reward and the main goal for our staff is our patients’ smile and oral health.


Dr. Angie Segatto DDS, MBA

Hungary, Budapest

Photodam® was inspired by artistic vision. My commitment to arts has determined my specialisation. It is a great challenge to restore things originally created perfectly by nature but damaged by external forces. For me, it is a vital need to deliver the gathered information, experience and knowledge to others. My mission is to give the passion for arts in dentistry for my students. My special fields are restorative dentistry, as well as orthodontics. I work in my private practice and I’m assistant lecturer at University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry. Currently I am doing my Ph.D. studies. Latest results of my research field are published in scientific congresses (Chicago, Istanbul, Seattle, etc.) and papers on regular basis. Segatto Dent’art Studio www.segatto.hu


Dr. Gaia Rosenberg

Italy, Mailand

Gaia Rosenberg graduated in dentistry from University of Genoa in 2016. During her studies she became an apprentice of Jordi Manauta, which she is to this day. After graduation, she moved to Milan where she started her career in private practice, while collaborating mainly with StyleItaliano and its members creating both scientific and educational content. She also collaborates as a co-author and as a pre-submission reviewer with Authors from all over Italy. In her practice she focuses on restorative and minimally invasive dentistry.


Dr. Ajay Juneja

United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Dr Ajay Juneja gained his Master’s from the University of Mumbai in 1998 and went on to complete his Master’s program with Honors in aesthetic dentistry at UCLA in the United States in 2011. With vast experience in cosmetic and restorative dentistry, esthetic, functional and prosthetic rehabilitation, he lectures nationally and internationally and has published many papers on ceramic veneers. Dr Ajay’s work has been recognised by the Aesthetic Dentistry MENA Awards for his treatment in Conservative Aesthetic Procedures, Prosthetic Restoration and Multidisciplinary categories. He has won a total of 6 awards in various categories. He is an active honorary member of a very select group, Style Italiano which is at the forefront of teaching contemporary dentistry. Dr Ajay has a passion for collecting watches, shoes and unique fountain pens. He enjoys good food, an enthralling game of cricket, travel and loves nothing more than spending time with his family, especially his children. He is currently serving as country Chairperson, U.A E for European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry and also as the ambassador of European Academy of Digital Dentistry to the U.A.E.


Dr. Patrizia Lucchi


Patrizia Lucchi was born in 1970, graduated as dental technician in 1989 and in 1995 in Dentistry cum Laude at the University of Verona. In 2008 she carried out postgraduate Studies in Orthodontics and three Years later received the Master in Pedodontics and Early Treatment at the University of Pisa. Visiting Professor at the University of Cagliari and Pisa, from 20 Years she works in Trento, North Italy, with Dr.Marco Rosa, forming a team specialized in pediatric and orthodontic Dentistry. Her primary ares of interest are Pedodontics, above all Dental Traumatology,, and Esthetics. She published and regularly lectures nationally about this topics.


Dr. Simone Grandini

Italy, Siena

Simone was born on 22nd February 1970 in Florence, Italy and graduated in 1994 from the Dental School of Florence University. In 1995 he obtained a postgraduate certificate in Periodontology at the University of Genoa, Italy and in 1996 he obtained a postgraduate certificate in Restorative dentistry at the University of Florence, Italy. He was clinical instructor of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Florence (1997-1999) In 1999 he started working as visiting professor at the University of Siena, Italy. In 2002 he obtained a Master of Science in Dental Materials and Clinical applications, and in 2004 he completed his PhD studies at Siena University with the thesis “Basic and clinical aspects of selection and application of fiber posts”. Since 2005 he has been Head of Department and has the chair of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry, at Siena University. He also teaches Restorative Dentistry and Dental Hygiene at the School of Dental Hygienists, and Preventive Dentistry at the postgraduate School of Orthodontics. Since 2010 he has been the Dean of the School of Dental Hygienists. Over the last 18 years he has given more than 250 lectures on Endodontics and Restorative dentistry in Europe, America, and Asia. He has published in many national and international journals, and is a reviewer for many peer reviewed journals.


Dr. Antonino Nicolò


Dr. Antonino Nicolò, graduated as a Dental Technician in 2005 from the “New Europe” Institute in Reggio Calabria, Italy. For a while he worked as a Dental Technician and then as Sales Manager for the Southern division of Dental Club S.p.A., leader in dental supply. In 2014 he graduated from Dental School with full marks. Since then, he’s been working in his family practices. From 2005 to this day, he’s been attending several courses and congresses, with a particular interest for restorative dentistry and prosthodontics. He’s an international lecturer and author of many international studies, he’s been working with Dr. Monaldo Saracinelli since 2010. He’s also a Honorary Member of Style Italiano since 2014, and now president of the “Forum Odontoiatrico del Mediterraneo” association and chairman of the “Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Reggino”. Since 2014 he’s also been a member of the Italian Academy of Restorative Dentistry.


Dr. Murad Akhundov

Azerbaijan, Baku

Dr. Murad Akhundov graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Baku, Azerbaijan. In 2013 won Pisa Master Course Contest provided by Style Italiano. Limited practice to direct and indirect Aesthetic restoration Since 2013 he is an active member and lecturer in Dental Academy Baku and IMPERIO group. Author of several articles in international journals. More than 20 times winner of best post of the week in Styleitaliano Facebook group.


Dr. Carlos Fernández Villares

Spain, Madrid

Degree in dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid 2000 Postgraduate degree in aesthetic dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid 2002 Collaborator professor in the master of aesthetic dentistry in Madrid UCM since 2004 Collaborator professor in the Master of Restorative Dentistry based in New Technologies Collaborator Professor in the Continuous Education Program (“Anterior Composite Resins” module and “Clinical Cases” module) in the Complutense University of Madrid since 2006 Member of S.E.P.E.S Spanish Society of Dental and Esthetic Protheses. Author of a chapter in a book in the area of aesthetic dentistry (“El Manual de Odontología”) Author of several articles in the area of aesthetic and restorative dentistry International lecture in aesthetic and restorative dentistry and hands-on courses internationally and in Spain Private practice focus on aesthetic and restorative dentistry in Azero & Villares Dentistas in Madrid, Spain Dr. Carlos Fernández Villares Azero & Villares Dentistas C/ Mateo García 12, 28017 Madrid, Spain www.azerovillares.com


Dr. Gregory Camaleonte

France, Marseille

I was born in 1980 in Marseille-France and i have graduated in 2006 from the University of the méditerranean – Faculty of Dentistry of Marseille. I have graduated in 2008 from the same university the DUORE ( university degree of aesthetic and adhesive dentistry ). I am a member and a teacher of the Smile Academy (www.academie-du-sourire.com) with André Faucher (my professionnal father), Jean-Louis Brouillet and Jean-Christophe Paris and a member of Mimesis, a research group in aesthetic and adhesive dentistry (www.mimesis-esthetique.com). Author and co-author of several publications, lecturer in national congresses and courses. I’m passionate about photography and i am also graduated from the Nikon School. I have a private practice in Marseille.


Dr. Sulivan Leite

Brazil, Brasilia

Graduated from the Ribeirão Preto University – São Paulo – SP Postgraduated in Restorative Dentistry and Aesthetic UNESP – Araraquara – SP Member of the International Federation of Esthetics Dentistry – IFED Member of the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry – BSAD Visiting Assistant Professor for the advanced course ”Achieving Mastery with Composite Resins” in the Fahl Art & Science in Aesthetic Dentistry – Curitiba-PR – 2007 Awarded in the V Smile Gallery Alumni Meeting Fahl 2010 – 1st Place (Vote Congressmen) Awarded in Smile Gallery of the Brazilian Society of Esthetic Dentistry in 2008 and 2011 Awarded in the Smile Gallery Courses in Fahl Art & Science in Aesthetic Dentistry in 2005 and 2006. Assistant professor – Fahl Dental Center – Curitiba – Brazil Private Practice in Brasília since 2001, Distrito Federal – Brazil

Partner's recommendations

Jordi Manauta / Anna Salat

Layers: An Atlas of Composite Resin Stratification

1st Edition 2012
Hardcover, 448 pages, 1234 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry

Stock No.: 10091
ISBN 978-88-7492-173-7
QP Italy

Jordi Manauta / Anna Salat / Walter Devoto / Angelo Putignano

Layers 2

Direct Composites: The Styleitaliano Clinical Secrets

1st Edition 2022
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm; incl 23 videos, 544 pages, 2454 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry

Stock No.: 24421
ISBN 978-88-7492-090-7
QP Italy

Stefen Koubi

Laminate Veneers

20 Recipes for Smile Design

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover in a slipcase, 30 x 24 cm, 696 pages, 1200 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, General Dentistry, Dental Technology

Stock No.: 22291
ISBN 978-2-36615-055-1
QP France

Maciej Zarow (Editor)
Camillo D'Arcangelo / Luis Antonio Felippe / Gianluca Paniz / Gaetano Paolone


A Guide for Practicing Dentists

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 28 x 21 cm, 324 pages, 1423 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry

Stock No.: 12131
ISBN 978-83-85700-90-6
QP Poland

Louis Hardan

Protocols for Mobile Dental Photography with Auxiliary Lighting

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,9 x 24,9 cm, 128 pages, 315 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Radiology and Photography, General Dentistry, Student literature

Stock No.: 22891
ISBN 978-0-86715-946-2

Vincenzo Musella

Dentale Ästhetik

Workflow von A bis Z

1. Auflage 2017
Hardcover, 23 x 28 cm, 456 pages, 1240 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Dental Technology, Student literature

Stock No.: 20680
ISBN 978-3-86867-361-6
QP Deutschland

Vincenzo Musella

Modern Esthetic Dentistry

An A to Z Guided Workflow

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 24 x 28 cm, 456 pages, 1358 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Dental Technology

Stock No.: 20681
ISBN 978-88-7492-038-9
QP Italy

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