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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Andreas Filippi / Cornelia Filippi / Klaus W. Neuhaus (Editor)

Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 6 Videos, 448 pages, 440 illustrations
Language: German
Category: General Dentistry

Stock No.: 24390
ISBN 978-3-86867-626-6
QP Deutschland

138,00 €
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Many people have special needs with regard to dental prophylaxis, diagnostics, and treatment – either due to cognitive or communicative limitations; functional restrictions; or factors related to medicines or drugs, genetics, incidents or accidents, among others. Many dentists who have limited or no experience with special needs patients often fail to meet their needs, usually unintentionally due to uncertainty or even helplessness. This can result in a lack of understanding and irritation on the part of both the patient and the dentist and can therefore lead to a significant reduction in oral health. Unfortunately, special needs patients often only play a marginal role, if any, in dental studies and professional events. The editors of this book, in cooperation with numerous authors, identified 56 special needs and concisely presented their specific dental treatment requirements. Therefore, this is the first book of its kind to address the needs of a significant number of these patients, and aims to help in meeting these special needs in dental care.

Part I. General information
Chapter 01. The oral cavity at the beginning of life
Chapter 02. The oral cavity in the middle of life
Chapter 03. The oral cavity at the end of life (old and very old people)
Chapter 04. Influence of nutrition on oral health
Chapter 05. Influence of mechanical oral care products on oral health
Chapter 06. Influence of chemical oral care products on oral health
Chapter 07. Influence of saliva on oral health
Chapter 08. Health or disease in the oral cavity – a question of definition?
Chapter 09. Definition of special needs from a dental perspective
Chapter 10. Oral epidemiology in patients with dental special needs
Chapter 11. Communication
Chapter 12. Dental care and dental hygiene in kindergartens, retirement and nursing homes, and intensive care units
Chapter 13. Legal aspects of dental treatment for special needs patients

Part II. Special needs patients from a dental perspective
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Affective disorders
- Alcohol abuse
- Amelogenesis imperfecta
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Blindness/visual impairment
- Bruxism: jaw clenching and tooth grinding
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Cannabis
- Chemotherapy
- Chronic polyarthritis
- Dementia
- Dental erosion
- Diabetes mellitus
- Dialysis patients
- Dysphagia
- Ectodermal dysplasia
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Epilepsy
- Eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia nervosa)
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Gingival growths
- Halitosis
- Heart disease
- Intellectual disability
- Orthodontic treatment for special needs patients
- Competitive athletes
- Lichen planus and lichenoid reaction
- Cleft lip and palate
- (Systemic) lupus erythematosus
- Molar incisor hypomineralization
- Odontodysplasia
- Oral aphthae
- Organ transplantation
- Orthopedic restrictions/functional limitations
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Patients with service dogs
- Pemphigus and pemphigoid
- Precancerous conditions (potentially malignant oral lesions)
- Psychoses
- Paraplegia
- Radiotherapy in the head and neck area
- Religions
- Wheelchair users
- Rare diseases
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- Scleroderma
- Tube feeding and tube dependency
- Tobacco and snuff
- Trisomy 21
- Vegan diet
- Waking coma
- (Pronounced) gag reflex
- Dental anxiety with disease value


Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi

Switzerland, Basel

Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi is a specialist in Oral Surgery. He is the Clinical Director of the Department of Oral Surgery, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland. Since 2006, he has been Founder and Head of the Center of Dental Traumatology Basel, and since 2016, Founder and Head of the Center of Salivary Diagnostics, Hyposalivation and Halitosis Basel.


Dr. med. dent. Cornelia Filippi

Switzerland, Basel

Cornelia Filippi is a pediatric dentist and head of the prophylaxis department in the Clinic for General Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry at the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel (UZB) as well as an active member of the Center for Saliva Diagnostics, Dry Mouth and Halitosis at the UZB. Dr. Filippi is a member of the expert committee of the Swiss Association for Pediatric Dentistry (SVK), president of the "Gesundes Znüni" foundation, the non-profit association "ZaZa.Care," and author of various specialist articles.


Prof. Dr. med. dent. Klaus W. Neuhaus

Switzerland, Bern

Klaus Neuhaus is a dentist in private practice and a pianist. He holds a research position at the Clinic for Dental Conservation at the Bern University Clinic of Dentistry and is a consultant at the University Clinic for Dermatology at the Inselspital in Bern. As a member of the Swiss-wide network for epidermolysis bullosa, Prof. Neuhaus is particularly involved in the treatment of patients with special needs and rare diseases. He is active on the board of various specialist associations and has published and lectured extensively in the field of tooth preservation.

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Cover, Filippi/Filippi/Neuhaus: Die zahnmedizinische Behandlung von Menschen mit Special Needs

Alle Beiträge sind kurz und prägnant und klinisch orientiert abgefasst, und so kann das Buch als Nachschlagewerk dienen. Es richtet sich an alle Zahnärztinnen und Zahnärzte, die PSN jeder Altersgruppe behandeln.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Norbert Krämer in DZZ 02/24

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