23. Mai 2024 — 25. Mai 2024
The SIPRO Congress 2024 opens with a deliberately provocative question and a basic concept which will be developed in all the reports.
The question (Prosthesis or Oral Rehabilitation?) has its origin in the name itself of our Scientific Society. Too often “Prosthesis” is a synonymous of technique and technicality, if not virtuosity: It is a concept centered more on the Operator rather than on the recipient, that is the Patient, while the term “Oral Rehabilitation” suggests an awareness on a large scale of the conditions and the real needs of the person-patient.
Here the cultural concept of “Sustainability” is introduced: All the Speakers, whose quality is a guarantee of success, have been asked to propose sustainable solutions and alternative therapies in order to respect the person, the time and the financial resources of both the patient and the dentist’s surgery, without lowering the quality of the therapies.
After the Opening Lecture, which Prof. Franco Locatelli (President of the Italian Council of Health) will give about “Sustainability of Italian and European Health Systems”, all the presentations will be about different interesting topics such as the organization of office, the use of 3D printers, Oral Facial Pain, removable prosthesis, orthodontic pretreatment, implantation surgery.
Furthermore there will be hands-on in collaboration with our Sponsor Companies, and two live sessions with extensive discussion at the end of each session.
The Congress is addressed also to an international audience, so the two official languages will be Italian and English, all the proceedings will be in both the languages.
Also, May is perhaps the best month to enjoy Florence and all the wonders you will be surprised by!
Dr. Alessandro Agnini schloss 1989 sein Studium an der Universität Modena und Reggio Emilia, Italien, ab. Er praktiziert in seinen Praxen in Modena und Sassuolo, wo er sich ausschließlich den Disziplinen der festsitzenden Prothetik, Parodontologie und Implantologie widmet. Aktives Mitglied der Italienischen Akademie für Osseointegration (IAO), der Italienischen Akademie für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (IAED), der Akademie für Digitale Implantate und Rekonstruktion (DIRA), der Internationalen Digital Dental Academy (IDDA) und von 2006 bis 2020 der Italienischen Akademie für Prothetische Zahnheilkunde (AIOP). Gründungsmitglied der Italienischen Gesellschaft für Prothetik und orale Rekonstruktion (SIPRO). Autor und Mitautor wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in nationalen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften und Referent auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen. Seit 2011 ist er Referent auf www.dentalxp.com, wo er Mitglied des Editorial Board ist. Autor der Bücher The Digital Revolution: the Learning Curve und The Digital Revolution 2.0: Clinico-Technical Applications in Daily Practice, veröffentlicht von Quintessence Publishing Italien im Jahr 2014 bzw. 2022. Kultursekretär der ANDI Modena von März 2013 bis März 2019. Zusammen mit seinem Bruder Gründer von Digital Dental Revoultion (DDR) Education, einem Unternehmen, dessen Ziel die Organisation und Teilnahme an Kongressen und Kursen in Italien und im Ausland zur zahnmedizinischen Fortbildung ist.
Dr. Leonardo Bacherini received his dental technology certificate in 1988 at Istituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci in Florence, and after graduating in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 1995, he followed several annual and biennial postgraduate programs with highly qualified Italian lecturers such as Dr. M. De Sanctis, Dr. M. Fradeani, Dr. M. Molina and Dr. M. Simion. He has been a member of the Nobel Biocare Mentor Project performing live surgery courses, he lectures nationally and internationally on prosthodontics and implants and he has been appointed Master Tutor of the ACE Institute, Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s Educational Center. Member for more than ten years of the Italian Society of Prosthetic Dentistry, he is an Active Member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He is the author of scientific articles published in Italian and international magazines and he focuses his professional activity mainly on Prosthodontics and Implants in his private practice in Florence.
Dr Leonello Biscaro (Italy) graduated magna cum laude in Dentistry at Bologna in 1985. Active member of the Italian Society of Periodontology ( SIdP ) since 2000, he has been the President of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry ( AIOP ) in the years 2013-2014. His presently Vice-president of SIPRO, Italian Society of Prosthodontics and Restorative dentistry. His practice is limited to prosthodontics and oral surgery in the Clinica Odontoiatrica Biscaro-Poggio, run with his wife, Dr. Paola Poggio and located in Adria (Italy).
Dr. Alessio Casucci received his Dentistry degree from the University of Siena in 2004. He holds a second level Master’s degree in Periodontology and a Master of Science in Dental Biomaterials from the University of Siena, where he also completed his PhD in Dental Biomaterials and their Clinical Applications. Lecturer in the international Mater program in prosthetics at the University of Siena. He is a speaker at numerous courses on total prosthesis and implant prosthesis, and is also the author of several publications in international journals. Member of ICP (International College of Prosthodontics) and Founding Member of SIPRO (Italian Society of Dental Prosthesis and Oral Rehabilitation). EPA (European Prosthodontics Academy) prosthetics specialist. In clinical practice he is mainly dedicated to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients. Adjunct professor at the University of Siena.
Professor and Director: Master in Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics), United Campus of Malta HEI, (Malta); Director: EIMS-UFP Specialty in Orthodontics; visiting Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, Alexandria University (Egypt); Professore a c. Scuola di Specializzazione in Ortodonzia, Università di Cagliari (Italy) and adjunct faculty at Seton Hill University Orthodontic Department, Greensburg, PA (USA). President SITeBi. Member: ASE, EHASO (East component), IBO, (President 2006-07), EBO (Chairman of the Examiners 2009-11, President 2012-15), ABO, WFO, AAO, EOS and SIDO. Co-editor Progress in Orthodontics (2004-07). Past president (2005) of ASIO (Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics), founder and and past president (2007-09) of AIdOr (Italian Academy of Orthodontics). He published more than 80 papers in journals listed in Pubmed, one book and several chapters in orthodontic books.
Marco Ferrari (MD, DMD, Ph D) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials at the University of Siena, Italy. He is also Dean of the School of Dental Medicine of the University of Siena. Dr. Ferrari obtained his MD (1983) from the University of Pisa, DMD from University of Siena and Ph D from ACTA, Nertherlands. He implemented the international Ph D program on Dental materials and their clinical applications and later on Dental Biotechnologies, in the University of Siena. He is also Professor of Restorative Dentistry at Leeds University UK, Research Professor at Tufts University, Boston, and Visiting Professor of Rochester University, Xi’an University. He is Past President of European Federation of Conservative Dentistry, Academy of Dental Materials and Continental European Division of IADR. Dr. Ferrari has published over 350 research papers, has 1 patent and other 2 pending applications. His research focuses was for a long time on bonding, resin composites and reinforced restorative materials, and then on zirconia, lithium disilicate, luting materials, and digital dentistry. He sits on Editorial boards of several journals and serves as referee for all major journals in dentistry.
Mauro Fradeani, MD, DDS, ist Gründer und Direktor des ACE Institute und der Fradeani Education. Er ist Mitglied des Redaktionellen Beirats des Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry und Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Er ist der Autor von Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics, Volume 1: Esthetic Analysis: A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Treatment (Quintessence Publishing, 2004) und Volume 2: Prosthetic Treatment: A Systematic Approach to Esthetic, Biologic, and Functional Integration (Quintessence Publishing, 2008). Dr. Fradeani führt eine Privatpraxis in Pesaro, Italien, die sich auf die Prothetik im natürlichen Gebiss und auf Implantate spezialisiert hat.
Dr. medic. Henriette Lerner PhD ist Gründerin und Direktorin der HL-Dentclinic and Academy in Baden-Baden, Deutschland, einer akademischen klinischen, Lehr- und Forschungseinrichtung der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Dr. Lerner ist ehemalige Präsidentin der Digital Dentistry Society International (DDS). Sie hat eine Zusatzpromotion zum Thema Digital Dentistry.
Prof. Lucio Lo Russo graduated in Dentistry in 1998 at the University "Federico II" of Naples (Italy), where he subsequently obtained his PhD. Currently, he is Associate Professor of Oral Diseases at the School of Dentistry of the University of Foggia. He is involved in basic and applied clinical research related to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of oral diseases, in particular in the field of Oral Medicine, Periodontology, and Digital Dentistry. He has published more than 140 scientific papers, most of which in high impact international scientific dental and medical journals.
Daniele Manfredini received his DDS from the University of Pisa, Italy in 1999, a MSc in Occlusion and Craniomandibular Disorders in 2001 from the same University, a PhD in Dentistry from the ACTA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2011, and a Post-Graduation Specialty in Orthodontics from the University of Ferrara, Italy, in 2017. He achieved the Diplomate Status from the American Academy of Orofacial Pain in 2021. He was a clinical fellow at the Section of Prosthetic Dentistry, Department of Neuroscience, University of Pisa, Italy until 2005. From 2006 to 2016, Daniele Manfredini has been Assistant Professor at the School of Dentistry and coordinator of the research projects at the TMD Clinic, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Padova, Italy. Since 2017, Daniele Manfredini has held teachings in Oral Physiology and in Clinical Gnathology at the School of Dentistry, University of Siena, Italy. On January 2017, the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) appointed him as a Full Professor at the age of 41. Daniele Manfredini authored more than 230 papers in the field of bruxism and temporomandibular disorders in journals indexed in the Medline database (Scopus H-index=49). He also edited, among the others, the book “Current concepts on temporomandibular disorders” (Quintessence Publishing, 2010), including contributions from 45 world-renowned experts, and co-authored several textbooks on the same topics. Based on publication ratings, in November 2013, the US agency Expertscape ranked Daniele Manfredini as world #1 expert in the field of temporomandibular joint disorders, and, in November 2018, also as #1 in the field of bruxism. From then on, Daniele Manfredini has always been classified within the top three experts in both conditions. Since 2018, Daniele Manfredini is Member and Coordinator of the Bruxism Consensus Panel within the International Association for Dental Research, which works on the updated definition and classification strategies for bruxism.
Prof. Eitan Mijiritsky is a graduate of the Tel Aviv University School (1990) of Dental Medicine where he also completed his Postgraduate studies and Specialty with Diploma in Prosthodontics (1996). He has earned his PhD title graded Summa Cum Laude, on the topic of Immediate Loading in Oral implantology. Prof. Mijiritsky is Associate Professor in Prosthodontics at the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine, Israel. He serves also as the Coordinator of International Academic Affairs of the School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Prosthodontic Consultor and Research Coordinator, Dep. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sourasky Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel Prof. Mijiritsky is the Past President of the Israel Society of Prosthodontics. President Elect and Council Member of the European Prosthodontic Association – EPA. Visiting Professor at the Universities of Pisa in Italy, Universities of Murcia and Granada in Spain and at the Berlin School of Health Sciences in Germany. Associate Professor in Prosthodontics at the University of Titu Maioresco, Bucarest, Romania. Board of Directors of the International Digital Dentistry Society – DDS, DDS Ambassador for Israel, Board of Directors of the International Implant Society – SENAME, Board of Directors at the Bone Biomaterials and Beyond Academy – BBBA, Founder of the Israeli Association of Oral Implantology IAOI (ICOI-affiliated). Diplomate of the International College of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), Member of the Editorial Boards of: Journal of Dentistry JD, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry JERD, International Journal of Prosthodontics IJP, Clinical Trials in Dentistry CTD. Topic Editor in International Journal of Environmental and Public Health IJERPH. Prof. Mijiritsky is both a nationally and internationally active keynote lecturer and scientific chairman in hundreds seminars and meetings. He is the author of over 130 scientific publications in peer reviewed international journals, related to esthetics and prosthodontics, implants, digital dentistry and bone regeneration. Heading the “Mijiritsky Dental Experts Center” in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Carlo E. Poggio, DDS, MSD, PhD is owner of Studio Associato Poggio, an interdisciplinary dental practice with more than 50 years of history located in the heart of Milan historical center. He is also a Visiting Professor for Interdisciplinary Treatments at the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics in the University of Milan and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Prosthodontics Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester (NY). He is a member of the Cochrane Oral Health group (Manchester, UK), as well as fellow of several national and international dental associations. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP), one of the largest Italian dental societies and a member of the International Relationship Committee of the American Prosthodontic Society. He has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and lectured extensively in Italy and abroad on topics related to interdisciplinary treatment planning in dentistry, occlusion and management of TMD patients, metal free prosthodontics materials and use of dental implants in complex interdisciplinary rehabilitations.