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Der Wandel in der Zahnheilkunde, Kieferorthopädie und unserer Gesellschaft hat Lichtgeschwindigkeit angenommen. Wir scannen, werden CAD/CAM-Designer, drucken fleißig in 3-D, verlieren und gewinnen Mitarbeiter, verspüren Existenzdruck, sorgen uns um unsere klinische Qualität, aber hören doch auf vielen aktuellen Kongressen wiederkehrende Redner mit altbekannten Themen.

Ich habe mich oft gefragt, ob uns diese Themen wirklich dauerhaft unter den Nägeln brennen, die Referenten die Besten sind, die Einzigen, die Zeit hatten, vielleicht die (Universal)-Experten auf jedem Gebiet oder hier einfach das größte Mitteilungsbedürfnis dominiert? Wie dem auch sei: Es erscheint einfach auf Dauer etwas eintönig. Aber auch hier lässt sich ein Wandel erkennen: Die voranschreitende Digitalisierung während der Pandemie, ein verstärktes Interesse und eine zunehmende Nutzung von Social Media eröffnen plötzlich mehr Chancen für eine neue Generation, die JUNG, WILD, praxisrelevant, digital, aber verdammt realistisch ist.

Diesen jungen WILDEN, die überraschend evidenzbasiert und reflektiert sind, möchten wir auf dem diesjährigen Symposion „Praktische Kieferorthopädie“ eine Plattform geben.

Jens Bock, der Quintessenz Verlag und ich freuen uns auf die Präsentationen der neuen Generation (der jungen WILDEN), welche die Vergangenheit respektieren und unfassbar realistisch wirken. Wir sind gespannt, wie das kritische Berliner-Publikum das Programm reflektiert, einordnet, kommentiert und wie immer engagiert diskutiert.

Ich freue mich auf Sie/Euch und wir haben einige Überraschungen vorbereitet!

Dr. Björn Ludwig

Scientific committee

Dr. Björn Ludwig

Traben-Trarbach, Germany
3. Mar 2023
Pre-Workshop - 3D technologies – the scientific perspective Dr. Nearchos C. Panayi, Dr. Björn Ludwig, ZT Christian Born
Orthodontic aligner treatment has been on the market since the late 90s. Thermoforming procedure is the standard process for aligner manufacturing. The last few years new orthodontic CAD software enabled the in-house manufacturing of thermoformed aligners. A big change in aligner treatment is the invention of an aligner resin which allows the direct aligner printing without the need for a thermoforming procedure. The workflow of the manufacturing procedure, from designing until printed aligner delivering, will be presented together with published scientific evidence.
Digital technology enables the 3D designing and printing of customized orthodontic brackets in the orthodontic office using dedicated CAD orthodontic software called UBrackets. Customized brackets and archwires together with a prediction of the final result based on the set-up enable the orthodontist to plan the orthodontic treatment with the end in mind. Hybrid ceramic resins and printed zirconia can be used for in-house bracket printing. Studies are being conducted to study resins and zirconia materials.

Begrüßung & Eröffnung Dr. Björn Ludwig, Dr. Jens Johannes Bock
in Bearbeitung PD Dr. Manuel Nienkemper
Hybride Behandlungsansätze - DIY Dr. med. dent. Oliver Liebl
Hybrid treatments - DIY

Hybrid treatment approaches combine different forms of therapy and allow the practitioner to benefit from the advantages of both approaches. Be it the combination of digital process chains with analog techniques, the combination of analog and digital consultation media or even the combination of different treatment techniques such as traditional fixed MB appliances with aligners manufactured in a CAD/CAM process.

The speed and efficiency of traditional techniques can be easily combined with the accuracy and convenience of digital products.

With the rapid advances in digitization, digital media and additive manufacturing, these hybrid techniques can be easily, effectively and efficiently implemented in one's orthodontic practice.

In his presentation, the speaker describes how he has implemented his hybrid practice concept over time through small, step-by-step changes.
Nachmittagspause - Besuch der Industrieausstellung
My digital pears - with respect to the old but well proved orthodontics Dr. Seung-Woo Yoo
Though the digital orthodontics has developed so well, we shouldn't forget the old, well proved techniques in orthodontics. Even if the combination of two worlds seems not so easy, it is the future of contemporary orthodontics.

In this lecture some digital pearls combined with analog technique will be discussed on the basis of some examples.
The temporomandibular joint in orthodontics - an outdated heritage? Dr. med. dent. Sachin Chhatwani
This lecture highlights the aspects of function and the temporomandibular joint in contemporary orthodontics, for example, including temporomandibular joint dysfunction and noncarious cervical lesions. In addition to a current literature review, a practical and systematic diagnostic concept is presented, taking into account analogue and digital procedures, which is equally suitable for the use of fixed appliances and aligner therapy. Such an approach clearly distinguishes the orthodontist from discount aligner providers.

Scientific committee

Dr. Björn Ludwig

Traben-Trarbach, Germany
4. Mar 2023
Implementing 3D technology into your startup – helpful or overkill? Dr. Sebastian Ahsbahs
Der effiziente Einsatz der skelettalen Verankerung in der täglichen kieferorthopädischen Praxis Dr. Shadi Fietz
Kaffeepause - Besucher der Industrieausstellung
Direct printed aligner: a new area in aligner treatment Dr. med. dent. Simon Graf
Management of the transverse dimension with MARPE : a common sense approach Dr. Sinan Hamadeh
Mittagspause - Besucher der Industrieausstellung
Designer or orthodontist - klicken oder streuen? Dr. Alexander Keller
Analog - Digital - Von Planung bis Behandlung Realität in der täglichen Praxis Dr. Dirk Kujat
Die In-Office Alignerproduktion von A bis Z Dr. med. dent. Stephan Peylo

Dr. Jens Johannes Bock

Germany, Fulda

Dr. Jens J. Bock is an orthodontist in joint practice with his wife in Fulda, Germany. He is the author and co-editor of several textbooks in the field of diagnostics and clinical orthodontics. Dr. Bock is co-editor of Kieferorthopädie and has published widely nationally and internationally in the field of modern imaging and digital procedures.


ZT Christian Born

Germany, Berlin

1989                                              Studium – Konstruktion / Technologie - Maschinenbau

seit 1993                                       Zahntechniker

1997                                              Weiterqualifikation zum KFO-Zahntechniker in der Meisterschule Berlin

1998                                             IHK-Ausbilder-Eignungsprüfung

2010                                             Gründung einer Weiterbildungs- und Servicefirma für KFO Cultus Dentes

seit 2010                                       Referent für KFO-Technik

seit 2011                                       Referent für digitale KFO-Technik

2012                                             Gründung eines Fachlabor für KFO-Technik - Erweiterung CD                                              

2015                                             Referent auf dem Weltkongress der WFO in London

2022                                             Gründung der Ortho Native 3D GmbH


Dr. med. dent. Sachin Chhatwani

Germany, Luedenscheid

Dr. Sachin Chhatwani is an orthodontic specialist and works in his own practice in Lüdenscheid, Germany as well as at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germayn as a senior orthodontist. He is a graduate of the two-year modular training program of the FACE Group (functional and cosmetic excellence) under the direction of Dr. Domingo Martin and Dr. Renato Cocconi.
Based on his scientific activities, Dr. Sachin Chhatwani is active in the editorial board of the journal "Kieferorthopädie", Quintessenz Publishing, Berlin, in the editorial board of the "Journal of Aligner Orthodontics", Quintessence Publishing, Berlin and in the scientific working group craniomandibular and musculoskeletal medicine. Research interests are mainly in the field of three-dimensional imaging and craniomandibular and musculoskeletal medicine.


Dr. Shadi Fietz

Germany, Kichheimbolanden

Dr. med. dent. Simon Graf

Switzerland, Belp

Besides his clinic, Simon Graf, is developing new possibilities to integrate up-to-date technology in the orthodontic field. He started in the beginning of 2014 with a cad/cam-procedure for 3D-metal- printed rapid-palatal-expansion device(hyrax) directly from an intraoral scan. As soon he was able to establish a standardized protocol for this appliance, he continued to work on the herbst-appliance, lingual arch etc. and proceeded to bone-borne appliances. As the materials are evolving, he is now working on acrylic direct printed removable appliances, with the idea to simplify the orthodontic daily business. Also, he is involved in the development of self-designing appliance software. He is lecturing about these topics since 2016 worldwide.


Dr. Alexander Keller

Germany, München

Dr. Dirk Kujat MSc

Germany, Groß-Gerau

Studium der Zahnmedizin in Berlin bis 1999. Promotion 2000 – (Thema: ECC in der kinderärztlichen Praxis). Nach allgemeinzahnärztlicher Praxiszeit wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Abteilung für Prothetik und Alterszahnmedizin der Charité Berlin 2000-2003. Kieferorthopädisches Masterprogram 2002-2004 an der Danube Universität Krems. Ab 2003 (Weiterbildungsassistent in der Abteilung für Kieferorthopädie– Humboldt Universität Berlin “Charité“ und im Anschluss in privater Praxis in Berlin-Zehlendorf. 2006 Gebietsbezeichnung „Facharzt für Kieferorthopädie“. 2007-2011 Tätigkeit in kieferorthopädischen Praxen in Deutschland und England. Niederlassung in privater Praxis in Groß-Gerau 2011. Teilnahme am Mc Laughlin Program 2014-2015 und dem lingualen Master für Kieferorthopädie Valencia 2018-2019. Verschiedene Veröffentlichungen z.B. zu Themen Klasse II Behandlung und interdisziplinäre Behandlung und über 100 Fortbildungen im In- und Ausland.


Dr. med. dent. Oliver Liebl

Germany, Wertheim

Dr. Björn Ludwig

Germany, Traben-Trarbach

Björn Ludwig is an orthodontics specialist who operates his private office in a small village in Germany. He holds positions at two universities: the University of Homburg/Saar in Germany and the Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. While his primary focus is on clinical work, he has a strong affinity for technology, which consistently sparks his interest. He is dedicated to advancing as a researcher and writer, actively participating in a variety of research projects and taking on editorial roles for academic journals. Furthermore, he serves as an editor for several books and is the author of numerous book chapters in classic orthodontic texts. In addition to his passion for orthodontics, he also takes pleasure in cycling as a means tounwind.


PD Dr. Manuel Nienkemper

Germany, Düsseldorf

1999-2005: Studied Dentistry at the University of Münster, Westphalia. In 2005, completed a doctoral thesis on "Animal experimental studies of the early osseointegration behavior of cylindrical versus conical implants in vivo". 2005-2006: Research Assistant at the Clinic for Conservative Dentistry at the University of Münster, Westphalia. 2006-2009: Research Assistant at the Clinic for Orthodontics at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. In 2009, became a specialist in Orthodontics. 2009-2015: Senior physician at the Clinic for Orthodontics at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. In 2015, completed his habilitation on "Stability of orthodontic mini-implants during the healing phase" and was appointed as a private lecturer. In 2015, employed at the orthodontic practice Dr. Ludwig/Dr. Glasl in Traben-Trarbach. Since 2016, operating his own practice in Düsseldorf; external staff member of the Clinic for Orthodontics at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Since 12/2012, member of the scientific advisory board of the journal "Orthodontics" (Quintessenz Publishing). Since 02/2015, co-editor of "IOK - Information from Orthodontics & Orthopedics" (Thieme). National and international activities as a reviewer and speaker. Research focuses: Skeletal anchoring and biomechanics.


Dr. Nearchos C. Panayi DDS, DOrth, MOrth

Cyprus, Limassol
Nearchos C. Panayi, DDS, DOrth, MOrth, is an orthodontist based in Limassol, Cyprus. He is a scientific collaborator at the European University Cyprus, Dental school and a visiting Research Scientist at the Clinic of Orthodontics,Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, in Switzerland. He studied dentistry at Athens Dental School (1992–1997) and orthodontics at Tel Aviv University (1998–2001) before building his private practice, which has grown into two fully digital orthodontic offices in Limassol and Larnaca, Cyprus. His passion for digital technology encouraged him to use it in orthodontics, and as a huge fan of the in-house 3D designing and printing concept in orthodontics, Dr Panayi has helped develop concepts, ideas, and methods that will transform traditional orthodontics to customized-centered digital orthodontics. He is the inventor of the orthodontic CAD software Ubrackets for in-house designing of customized fixed orthodontic appliances, and he introduced the use of general-purpose CAD software in orthodontics for orthodontic appliance design. He is the editor of «DIY, Design It Yourself Orthodontics» book that was released by Quintessence USA in July 2021. He is a co-author in other orthodontics books and published articles on in –house customized brackets, aligner printing and bracket material research. He is an associate editor of the “Progress in Orthodontics” journal. He is married and has six children.

Dr. med. dent. Stephan Peylo

Germany, Heppenheim
Dr. Peylo attended dental school at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. After he graduated from dental school and earned his doctorate degree in 1997, he started his residency program in orthodontics at the University in Mainz. He earned his special degree in orthodontics in 2000. From 2000-2002, he was assistant professor at the Department of Orthodontics. Since 2002, he has run a private practice in Heppenheim. Dr. Peylo is reviewer of the European Journal of Orthodontics and has held lectures and courses in Germany and other European countries. His specialist field is the digital workflow in orthodontics and invisible treatment strategies (3D intraoral scanning, computerized indirect bonding, aligner treatment and 3D model printing). Dr. Peylo is delegate to the council of the “Gesellschaft für Digitale Orthodontie” (DigiOrtho).

Dr. Seung-Woo Yoo

Germany, Neu-Isenburg

Organizer/Event registration

Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
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Email: kongress@quintessenz.de
Web: https://www.quintessence-publishing.com/deu/de/

Our recommendations

Nearchos C. Panayi (Editor)

DIY Orthodontics

Design It Yourself

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21,6 x 28 cm, 232 pages, 534 illus
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics

Stock No.: 23511
ISBN 978-1-64724-051-6

Hans Pancherz

Die Herbst-Apparatur

Successful treatment of Class II dysgnathia

1st Edition 2022
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 192 pages, 1148 illus
Language: German
Categories: Orthodontics, Student literature

Stock No.: 23920
ISBN 978-3-86867-584-9
QP Deutschland

Our recommendations



Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: German

Category: Orthodontics

Editor-in-chief: Dr. Björn Ludwig, Dr. Jens Johannes Bock
Coordinating editor: Anke Schiemann
QP Deutschland

Further events