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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

Jedes Jahr nach unserem Symposion setzen wir uns als Veranstaltungsteam zusammen, um aus den aktuellen Erfahrungen zu lernen und die Wünsche unserer Teilnehmer für die Zukunft zu erkennen. Unser oberstes Ziel ist es, unseren Teilnehmern – insbesondere den treuen Wiederholungstätern – ein spannendes, neues und hoffentlich einzigartiges Programm für das nächste Symposion zu bieten. In diesem Jahr haben wir beschlossen, neue Perspektiven zuzulassen, Nischenthemen zu fördern und andere Denkweisen zu Wort kommen zu lassen. Eine unerwartete, aber erfreuliche Wendung war, dass sich auf unserer Wunschliste plötzlich ausschließlich weibliche Referentinnen befanden.

Unsere herausragenden Referentinnen werden Ihnen faszinierende Einblicke in verschiedene Aspekte der Kieferorthopädie bieten. Den Auftakt macht Prof. A.C. Dr. Ute Schneider-Moser zusammen mit Dr. Lorenz Moser in ihrem Vorkongress-Kurs „Der fehlende Frontzahn – Lücke zu oder Lücke auf?“. Das Kongressprogramm im Anschluss bietet hochinteressante Themen, darunter die Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation von Prof. Dr. Katrin Bekes und die Welt der lingualen Kieferorthopädie, präsentiert von Dr. Andrea Foltin. Dr. Julia von Bremen wird den „täglichen Kampf um Mitarbeit und Mundhygiene“ beleuchten, während PD Dr. Svenja Beisel-Memmert Einblicke in „Störungen des Zahndurchbruchs im Bereich der oberen Schneidezähne“ gibt. Dr. Carmen Schmid-Herrmann wird die „Radiodontics“ und die Nutzung der Radiologie in der Diagnostik und Therapie vorstellen. Der Kongress setzt sich fort mit einem Blick auf die „Digitale Kieferorthopädie – evidenzbasiert oder Marketing HYPE“ durch Dr. Lea Hoffmann.

Nach einer erfrischenden Kaffeepause und dem Besuch der Industrieausstellung wird PD Dr. Anja Quast das „Management von Asymmetrien im Erwachsenenalter“ thematisieren. Dr. Dr. Silvia M. Silli, die auf 30 Jahre praktische Kieferorthopädie zurückblickt, wird die Frage stellen, ob alles Routine oder immer noch ein Abenteuer ist. Dr. Karin Becktor wird den Sinn und Unsinn der „Dento-Alveolären Kompensation“ erörtern, während Prof. A.C. Dr. Ute Schneider-Moser die „Kunst der atypischen Extraktion“ näherbringt. Der Kongress endet mit einem Vortrag von Prof. em. Dr. Ingrid Rudzki mit dem Thema „Warum Kieferorthopädie, der schönste Beruf der Welt ist“.

Wir freuen uns schon jetzt riesig auf Berlin – natürlich, um viele liebe Kollegen zu treffen, aber vor allem, um durch die besonderen Vortragsthemen stimuliert, kritisch und engagiert miteinander zu diskutieren.

Bis bald in Berlin!

Ihre Björn Ludwig und Jens Bock

Scientific committee

Dr. Björn Ludwig

Traben-Trarbach, Germany
5. Apr 2024
Vorkongress Kurs - Der fehlende Frontzahn – Lücke zu oder Lücke auf? Prof. A.C. Dr. Ute Schneider-Moser, Dr. Lorenz Moser
Eröffnung & Begrüßung Dr. Björn Ludwig, Dr. Jens Johannes Bock
Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation – Was muss ich in der Kieferorthopädie dazu wissen? Prof. Dr. Katrin Bekes
Linguale Kieferorthopädie – tatsächlich unsichtbar und einfach wunderbar Dr. med. dent. Andrea Foltin
Nachmittagspause - Besuch der Industrieausstellung
Der tägliche Kampf um Mitarbeit und Mundhygiene – Analyse und Lösungen Dr. Julia von Bremen
Störungen des Zahndurchbruchs im Bereich der oberen Schneidezähne PD Dr. Svenja Beisel-Memmert
Eruption disorders of maxillary central incisors are frequent disturbances of normal dental development. These disorders become apparent in the early mixed dentition of affected patients due to deviations from the normal sequence of eruption. These kind of eruption disorders have, due to the prominent position of the central incisors, a strong negative impact on the patient's appearance and therefore on the oral health-related quality of life. Furthermore, disorders of oral functions, phonation and development of a physiological dental arch make therapeutic interventions necessary. The individual situation of each patient should be assessed by anamnesis and a detailed clinical and radiological diagnostics. Based on this the time point of treatment and the decision for an individually appropriate therapeutic procedure should be planned and implemented in each case by a multidisciplinary team consisting of (paediatric) dentists, orthodontists, maxillofacial surgeons and oral surgeons.
Scientific committee

Dr. Björn Ludwig

Traben-Trarbach, Germany
6. Apr 2024
Radiodontics - Nutzen der Radiologie für Diagnostik und Therapie Dr. Carmen Schmid-Herrmann
Die Kunst der atypischen Extraktion – sehen lernen Prof. A.C. Dr. Ute Schneider-Moser
Kaffeepause - Besuch der Industrieausstellung
Transversale – Management von Asymmetrien im Erwachsenenalter PD Dr. Anja Quast
30 Jahre praktische Kieferorthopädie – alles Routine oder immer noch Abenteuer? Dr. Dr. Silvia M. Silli
Mittagspause - Besuch der Industrieausstellung
Dento-Alveoläre Kompensation – Sinn und Unsinn Dr. Karin Becktor
The Dento Alveolar Compensatory Mechanism DACM.

Karin Becktor

The link between the predominately genetically determined growth of the cranial base, the maxilla and the mandible and the dentoalveolar arches is also called the dentoalveolar compensatory mechanism, the process or mechanism by which the alveolar arches are controlled so as to secure occlusion of the teeth and adaptation to the basal parts of the arches.

Individual variation in amount and direction of growth of the cranial base, the mandible and the maxilla can be large, and the co-ordination between theses components is not always perfect and some mechanism is needed to direct tooth eruption in order for a normal occlusion between the maxillary and mandibular dentition to be achieved and maintained. The factors which are responsible for this dentoalveolar mechanism are not fully understood. However, it has been described that growth of the dentoalveolar bone is taking place in connection with tooth eruption, and is accordingly very dependent on a normal eruption process. Significant changes in the direction and magnitude of tooth eruption occur especially depending on the vertical, but also the sagittal and transverse development of the face.

Since the DACM serves to maintain optimal interdigitation of the dentition its efficiency is clearly related to the development of malocclusion in both the sagittal, vertical and transverse plane.

In the lecture the advances and disadvantages of the DACM will be discussed.

Indirektes Bonding evidenzbasiert oder Marketing HYPE Dr. med. dent. Lea Hoffmann
Digital evolution in skeletal asymmetries. From diagnosis to 3D Virtual Planning. Stefania Perrotta
Nachmittagspause - Besuch der Industrieausstellung
Kieferorthopädie der schönste Beruf der WELT Prof. em. Dr. med. dent. Ingrid Rudzki

Dr. Karin Becktor DDS, PhD

Denmark, Copenhagen

DDS: University of Copenhagen 1990 Orthodontist: University of Copenhagen 1998 Visiting clinician: Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA 2000 Beni Solow Award for best published paper 2002 Ph.D: University of Copenhagen 2004 Active Member Angle Society of Europe 2014 Postgraduate course in Cranio-Mandibular function 2014 Consulting Orthodontist, University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, 2004-2013 Private practise limited to orthodontics and oral surgery since 2001.


Prof. Dr. Katrin Bekes MME

Austria, Wien

Katrin Bekes is Professor and Chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. She is currently President of the German Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Vice President of the Austrian Society of Pediatric Dentistry, and is also involved in the European and International Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Prof. Bekes founded the only competence center for patients with MIH in Austria. She has published and lectured widely on molar incisor hypomineralization and related fields.


Dr. Jens Johannes Bock

Germany, Fulda

Dr. Jens J. Bock is an orthodontist in joint practice with his wife in Fulda, Germany. He is the author and co-editor of several textbooks in the field of diagnostics and clinical orthodontics. Dr. Bock is co-editor of Kieferorthopädie and has published widely nationally and internationally in the field of modern imaging and digital procedures.


Dr. med. dent. Andrea Foltin MSc L.O.

Austria, Wien

Dr. med. dent. Lea Hoffmann

Germany, München

2011 – 2016 Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Universität Rostock; 2018 – 2020 Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München - Abteilung für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie; Seit 2020 Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München - Abteilung für Kieferorthopädie.


Dr. Björn Ludwig

Germany, Traben-Trarbach

Björn Ludwig is an orthodontics specialist who operates his private office in a small village in Germany.

He holds positions at two universities: the University of Homburg/Saar in Germany and the Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

While his primary focus is on clinical work, he has a strong affinity for technology, which consistently sparks his interest.

He is dedicated to advancing as a researcher and writer, actively participating in a variety of research projects and taking on editorial roles for academic journals.

Furthermore, he serves as an editor for several books and is the author of numerous book chapters in classic orthodontic texts.

In addition to his passion for orthodontics, he also takes pleasure in cycling as a means tounwind.


Dr. Lorenz Moser DMD, DDS

Italy, Bozen
M.D. University of Innsbruck (A)
D.D.S. University of Innsbruck
Postgraduate Orthodontic Training University of Innsbruck
Since 37 years in Private Practice of Orthodontics in Bolzano, Italy with Ute Schneider-Moser
Diplomate European Board of Orthodontists EBO
Diplomate Italian Board of Orthodontists IBO
Since 2001 Active member Angle Society of Europe (ASE),
since 2003 Visiting professor University of Ferrara (I)
2004-2006 Secretary of the Angle Society of Europe
2006-2008 Chairman EBO Examination Committee
2021 Honorary Member Accademia Italiana di Ortodonzia (AIdOr

Stefania Perrotta

Italy, Napoli

I am Stefania Perrotta, an orthodontic specialist with an academic and clinical background. I completed my dentistry degree and specialty in orthodontics at the University of Naples Federico II, and I hold a PhD in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. I am currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Salerno's School of Medicine and an Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Naples Federico II, where I teach in the postgraduate program in Orthodontics. Additionally, I have a Master's degree in Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders, and I successfully passed the European Board of Orthodontics examination (part 1) in 2021.

As a speaker and author, I actively share my expertise in orthodontics. I am a member of professional organizations including SIDO, SIBOS, AIDOR, AIG, and EOS. In my private practice, I focus on presurgical treatment in Orthognathic Surgery using 3D software for digital planning, as well as on skeletal asymmetry and teeth impactions.


PD Dr. Anja Quast

Germany, Göttingen

Dr. Carmen Schmid-Herrmann

Germany, Waging am See

Dr. Dr. Silvia M. Silli

Austria, Wien
1982-1988: Study of Dentistry at the Free University Berlin. 1988-1993: Study of Medicine at the University of Vienna, Conferral of doctorate Dr.med.univ. 1989-1994: Orthodontist Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse (Health Insurance Fund), Vienna. 1994: Self-employed orthodontist, orthodontic practice, Vienna. Since 1997: Executive board member of the Verband Österreichischer Kieferorthopäden. 1998: Member of the Austrian Board of Orthodontists. 1998: Development of the Orthorobot System for virtual setup, bracket positioning and bending of individualized archwires with robot technology. 2010: Member of the European Board of Orthodontists. Since 2012 Lecturer University of Erlangen. Since 2012 responsible for "Die zertifizierte Patienten-Präsentation" (Part of the Quintessenz-Journal KIEFERORTHOPÄDIE)

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Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: German

Category: Orthodontics

Editor-in-chief: Dr. Björn Ludwig, Dr. Jens Johannes Bock
Coordinating editor: Anke Schiemann
QP Deutschland

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